Why do people reject Islam?
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05-17-2012, 09:33 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I pondered this myself, once you accept Islam and see the truth, it is very difficult to understand why others would not do the same.
I am not sure if it is the work of the Shaytan or whether it is just peopleŽs ignorance, but the truth is that there are about 5 billion people out there, who are not Muslims.
Some have probably never heard of Islam, like the indigenous people etc, but these form a very small minority. A lot of people in the West only hear about Islam in bad context, so it is difficult for them to accept Islam when all they hear is that Islam is bad, opresses women etc. More importantly, even if they do not believe that Islam is bad, most of western society puts pressure on them to look at Islam as something that is backwards or medieval. This starts even from small kids.
If only was the publicity on Islam balanced, daŽawa would be much more effective.
Once again also, I have to mention that us - Muslims - are not always doing the best to bring others to Islam, I retain that being a good Muslim is the best daŽawa tool.
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