Saudi Arabia is not a muslim country
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05-17-2012, 02:58 PM
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Oct 2005
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There seems to be a lot of confusion about this issue and brothers are saying things which are NOT true about Islam.
I seek protection in Allah from misguidance.
The (shariat) Divine Laws of previous generations do not apply to the Muslim Ummah unless the Legislator specifies it applies.
And prophecies do NOT signify instructions and commands when in contradiction to the Shariah.
So this hadith does NOT signify permissibility of tyranny or oppressive mulkan
There shall be Prophethood (nubuwwa) among you for as long as Allah wishes it to be among you. Then it shall be lifted up when Allah wishes to lift it up. Then there shall be successorship (khilâfa) on the pattern (minhâj) of Prophetship for as long as Allah wishes it to be. Then it shall be lifted up when Allah wishes to lift it up. Then there shall be a trying kingship (mulkan `âddan) for as long as Allah wishes it to be. Then it shall be lifted up when Allah wishes to lift it up. Then there shall be a tyrannical kingship (mulkan jabriyyatan) for as long as Allah wishes it to be. Then it shall be lifted up when Allah wishes to lift it up. Then there shall be successorship on the pattern of Prophetship. Narrated from Hudhayfa by Ahmad with a sound chain as stated by al-Zayn in the Musnad (14:163 #18319) and as indicated by al-Haythami (5:188-189): Today, the concept of monarchy practiced in the world does not coencide with what Islam presents.
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