Mashallah! Good! May Allah bless and grant more 'aqal' to the present Monarch of the Islamic Kingdom , so that he can make more good decisions like this. More relaxations for the society , strict focus on modern education (science , Maths , technology , computer , economy etc) , building a 1st tier industrial nation (atleast going towards it) , and diversification of the economy of Saudi Arabia is what is needed by Kingdom today. Sadly , Saudi Sheikhs are busy in dealing such minute issues like "women driving" , "women voting" blah blah...Saudi Arabia has a potential to go way higher Inshallah! Women should be allowed to vote , drive car , go outside of their homes alone (if they want to) , get good education , AND even if they work or study with males ....this shouldn't be any problem! May Allah grant Muslims the "aqaal" so that Islamic civilization can come back as the global player..with leading the world in science , technology , medicine , music , religion, spirituality , arts , culture , sports , film , drama , literature etc etc .... Inshallah!