Working at a supermarket could be permissable. your opinions.
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05-15-2012, 06:58 AM
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Oct 2005
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Ignore the post above (he seems to always put dunya over Islam) and also pay no heed to those that say that there is no halaal employment in the West. What an absurd statement to say that every job is linked with riba. It may be linked at a higher level but it does not in any way affect you. Similarly, accountants do not earn interest but they earn their wages for the work they do - Muslims should be more careful, though, when dealing with known institutions that deal in interest (e.g. banks). Even in medicine, there are halaal alternatives and if they aren't present, only then are the haraam medicines considered halaal. Whoever assumes that the default is haraam is naive.
On the other hand, the sale and transmission of alcohol are amongst the haraam acts mentioned in the ahadeeth.
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