A greater threat to this ummah than dajjal
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11-25-2010, 12:09 PM
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Oct 2005
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There are many of these "scholars".
Ed Hussain and Nawaz are paid operatives of the British govt, given that the Quilliam Foundation receives/received govt funds precisely to propagate their ideological slant.
Majid Nawaz has graduated to the big time, however. He recently was granted 20 minutes of a biographical piece of America's premier TV 'news' show: 60 Minutes. The bio was called 'The Narrative' where Nawaz claims (on behalf of his employer, the British govt) that the narrative of the Muslim 'extremists' is all make believe. Nawaz was granted a fellowship at the Council for Foreign Relations in New York. Its one of the premier foreign policy think tanks for America. No doubt, he will help America to plot against the Muslim Ummah and the efforts to resume the Islamic way of life.
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