Asalam O Alaikum. I'v got an elder brother who has got waswas problem, he understands everything very well about GHUSL to keep oneself clean, ALCOHOL that its HARAAM and if it touches your clothes the one you are wearing it becomes important to wash it with clean water. What my brother does is, after maybe he gets ejaculation or waswas that alcohol touched the cloth. Either he throws it into the dustbin or gives out to someone after washing it. Also he takes really long in washroom or even bathing, he keeps on washing private parts for minutes and minutes (sometimes more than 10, 15mins) maybe he's having in his mind that still i'm not clean and in ISLAM we are taught to stay PAAK (clean). Because of these WASWAS sometimes he misses his NAMAZ thinks twice thrice to touch QURAN. ALHAMDULILLAH we are paid good enough to lead our lives without taking debts from people. But this problem of his has led us into very critical situation we've taken loans after loans from people just for silly reasons and now we are stuck don't know how to go about. He himself wants to bring change in his own life the way he's leading at the moment but there is something disturbing him in his mind and he doesn't share it. Have tried explaining it to him in different ways but the case is same. NO CHANGE PLEASE PRAY FOR US AND HELP ME WITH SOME DUAS OR SURAH WHICH ARE GOING TO HELP IN THIS SITUATION. Would really appreciate my muslim brothers and sisters. Regards.