Ameer Mufti Husain sahib (db) - SF Members Vote!
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11-08-2011, 03:20 PM
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Oct 2005
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Ameer Mufti Husain sahib (db) - SF Members Vote!
Assalaamu alaykum SF members,
I have read some of the posts that Mufti Husain sahib (db) has made here on SF and they are very educational, beneficial, and to a great degree, inspirational. Reading posts of this research scholar motivate you and inspire you to seek knowledge of deen, at least thats how I feel when I read his works. Mufti Husain sahib (db) is a gem masha'Allah and we are fortunate that Allah swt has put this person right in our lap here on SF. I dont know about you but I want to read and hear more of what this shaikh has to say. I am sure that he has a very hectic busy schedule but I am going to request publically here that Ameer Mufti Husain sahib (db) include a post on SF into his tasks at least once a week or even once a month, on any topic of his choice, any islahi issue, social issue, or just anything on his mind, maybe a fatwa he gave in Darul Ifta and then on SF gives us some insights into the religious ruling, one line statements - I would be happy to read anything from this shaikh. So I am asking SF members would you be interested in this or not? How many people want Mufti Husain sahib doing something like this on SF? Would you read it? If you are interested and have passion to read Islamic literature of our scholars, vote now! Maybe if we show our interest then Mufti sahab will gift us with his discourse insha'Allah.
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