And can YOU give me the proof of what you are writing about?.If I am imitating kuffar,s propaganda (in your words),you are imitating the propaganda of TTP,give me one solid proof that America is recruiting suicide bombers through fake taliban groups.This is what you WANT to believe to clear the name of Taliban from the brutal shameless bloodshed in the name of religion,but it is not even close to the truth.The fact remains that TTP is a group of barbarian killers,lunatics and criminals using the holy name of Islam. What enemy do they fight when they explode themself in a mosque ? Do they,like khwarij,believe all Muslims to be munafiq and their killing being allowed,?Why don,t they just cross the border and kill a few NATO soldiers ?,at least that would be a real jihad. Your wishes does not change the reality even the slightest bit.TTP is not a jihadi organisation.It is a "Fasadi" group bent upon destroying a Muslim country. And please,I know the "mighty" Taliban very well,I think it is you who should try to learn some more facts about them !