It seems there is a misunderstanding on what brother junfrared has said and what he means. As far as I've undertand his quotes (please correct me if I'm wrong, junfrared), he was just saying, that the same accusation of being a mujassin that was made against Allama Ibn Kathir (ra) by this particular barelwi scholar, this same accusation is sometimes labelled against him or against his teacher Allama Ibn Taymiyya (ra) and his followers by scholars who are obviously not barelwi. If i've correctly understand, junfrared seems to talk about some scholars who follow the Maturi path in Aqeedah, maybe some of them have graduated from Darul-Uloom linked to the Deobandi Maslak, but I would like to extend it to other hanafi scholars who are not from the subcontinent and so neither deobandi nor barelwi. So, maybe he -junfrared- was trying to say, we must be careful when putting this kind of things up cause those who opposed the deobandi can show those same statements which labelled those scholars as having a mujassim view (may Allah protect us against holding such aqeedah and also against making such statement on scholars) and used it against us, so someone can come and say to us : "look at up about what this "deobandi" scholar say on such and such scholar... do you ascribe to this view too ?". He -junfrared- also tried to say, since many major scholars like Shah Waly-Ullah, Shaykh Abdul-Hayy Al-Luknowy, Shaykh Anwar Shah Al-Kashmiri and Shaykh Ashraf Ali Thânwi (rahimahumullah), and scholars of Darul-uloom Karachi (and maybe he was specially thinking to Mufti Taqi (hz)) (and I would like to add to the list Shaykh Abul-Hasan An-Nadwi (ra)) have all say in their statements that the Aqeedah on which Ibn Taymiyya and his illustrious students (rahimahumullah) was upon is a correct aqeedah, we must refrain from continuously talk about those polemics which help none. As for the view of Mufti Taqi (hz) on this subject, we can refer to this (which was previouly posted on other threads) :