I saw it but was not totally convinced. This is a deep issue. And I have some doubts: Ibn Qayyim (rahimahullaah), did not regard fitrah as mere knowledge of right and wrong at birth but as an active, inborn love and acknowledgment of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) which reaffirms His Lordship. He also explained that ‘And Allah brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers, knowing nothing…’ (an-Nahl 16/78) does not refer to innate knowledge of Allah (azza wa jall) or Islam, but rather to knowledge of the particulars of religion in general which is why the latter type of knowledge is absent at birth. Moreover, fitrah is not merely the capacity or readiness to receive Islam, in which such a condition can be unfulfilled when parents choose Judaism or Christianity as the child’s religion; fitrah is truly an inborn predisposition to acknowledge Allah (azza wa jall), Tawhid and Din al-Islam. (Fathul Bari, 198) Consider the highlighted parts brother. Remember that we are talking of children who of a necessity cannot know the details of the religion. But if every child has an innate love and affirmation of Allah's Lordship, then how can this fitra be anything different from Islam? Secondly the ahadith state explicitly that the parents or the environment and other factors might make him a Jew or Xtian or whatever but it does not say that good Muslim parents will turn him into a Muslim. Rather the suggestion seems to be that they (non-Muslim parents) will take something perfect and deform it turning it away from Islam to Kufr.