Care to substantiate this claim of yours? There are always a few nuts or a few bad apples but saying that they are even remotely a representation of Muslims as a whole, as the rabid crusader tried to present Islam as, is highly troublesome and even more so when similar rhetoric is espoused by a Muslim. Do Christians have to bend over backwards to apologize for the actions of the US army or the Westboro Baptist Church? Did Christians do such a thing for the actions of Hitler? Do Christians do the same for white supremacists? Also, a lot of Muslims continue to wonder how these minority groups that say such ridiculous things (which amount to inciting violence) aren't arrested and are rarely deported. The problem is, Christians and Christianity NEVER get associated with the wars perpetrated by their armies, whereas any Muslim group that carries out any attack, it is linked with Islam. Those of us who are not brainwashed know that the grievances that the mujahideen around the world have with the West are political in nature, not religious. It is a myth perpetrated in the West that Muslim mujahideen hates the West for its "freedoms", when the entire issue is political - anything else that is mentioned is only to rile up the troops on both sides (e.g. propaganda campaigns, denigrating the enemy so that it appears inhumane, etc.) It becomes very evident when the crusader fails to ask a simple question after he states that Islam has become a threat in the past 30 years: why wasn't Islam a threat before that? Did Islam miraculously appear on this planet 30 years ago? Muslim lands had stopped expanding ever since the routing of the Muslim army at Tours. The only real significant gain after that was the conquest of Constantinople in the mid-15th century. So, even this view that Islam is here to conquer the world as a political force is unfounded. What we do have in Islam is that Islam is here so that everyone across the world may know its message, the same way Christians are supposed to preach their gospel to everyone - yet Christian missionaries that always follow any Christian army (one of the first civilian groups deployed to Iraq, for example, were Christian missionaries) are rarely if ever mentioned in the media. So, what is meant by Islam being a "conquering" religion does not refer to conquest of lands, but conquest of hearts and minds. Conquest of lands is usually a side effect which applies when any religion succeeds in conquering hearts and minds. The solution is simple: get out of Muslim lands and stop supporting the governments in Muslim countries, either to "help" us or to hurt us. But of course, the simplest solution is not good enough when something irrational that can beat the drums of war is an alternative.