Maulana Tariq Jameel respects Tahir Ul Qadri
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05-05-2012, 12:47 PM
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Oct 2005
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see this letter of Nabi saw to hiraql:
من محمد رسول الله إلى هرقل عظيم الروم - (سنن أبي داود » أبواب النوم » باب كيف يكتب إلى الذمي
when our prophet saw said Azimir rum to hiraql who is not muslim,so whats problem if moulana tariq jamil said shaikhul islam to TUQ?
first see how many ppl changed their life and be true muslim with effort of moulana tariq jamil sb and how many from efforts of us? and his love of our nabi saw,no word for it.just for example some years back while well known muhaddis e kabir shaikh yunus jonpuri haf. in hajj and moulana tariq jamil sb came to meet him,after order of shaikh he talked about how our nabi saw perform hajj and he delivered nabi method of hajj with practical,all present were crying include shaikh haf.
has any one of us this type of love?
if we have,we cant attack on any muslim
after all this is very good answer
Mawlana Tariq Jameel cannot be used as proof of validity because he is a da'ee and not an apologist or debater. There are ulama who have done their research on TUQ and have come to the conclusion that he is a mubtadi'. Ml. Tariq Jameel most likely does not know and/or does not wish to delve into these issues in an effort to soften the hearts of the TUQ supporters to Tableegh and the ulama of haq. The purpose of Ml. Tariq Jameel's bayanat is also not to be a replacement for what one learns at madrasas because he does narrate from weak narrations or narrates from Israeliyat or narrates from this or that source. I've been told that he agrees that he may narrate some stories that may or may not be true but the purpose in doing so is not deception but inspiration, just how we read books of fable for inspiration and motivation when we were younger. So, Ml. Tariq Jameel is the most excellent da'ee of our times as he tries to call everyone towards Islam without delving into sectarianism but there are ulama more knowledgeable than him who have made farq between haq and baatil.
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