Assalamu alaykum Are we aware of the situation in Pakistan today: It is Barelvi vs deobandi vs salafee vs qadiyanee vs shia vs sipah-e-sahabah vs muhajir vs pathan vs TTP vs PPP vs Bulochs vs xxxxxxxxx. Are we aware of killings of many respected scholars in the recent , is any one having the list. Many recent scholars are suffixed with shaheed in Pakistan. Recently Moulana Ilyas Ghuman had narrow escape. To create peaceful atmosphere to live in, a poor soul tries to build bridges and he is being targeted. Is this Uswa snd from seerah of Rasulullah SAS? Let us ignore what the salafees say on this. They have already declared all ahnaf including their Imam to be mushriks. When Addi bin Haatim (a hardcore follower of christianity) arrived in the durbar of Rasulullah SAS, Rasulullah SAS welcomed him; spread his shawl and made him sit over that. Rasulullah PRAISED him and his qaum. While speaking Addi bi Haatim words were tough. All this happened. But results!! Subhanallah.