Salam, I would like some help in this matter. I am a married man with four children. I am considering having a vasectomy. I have done a great deal of searching and have found that it is generally seen as being haram. Can anyone advise me of any conditions of when it may be OK to have this procedure? My main reason for having this procedure is to improve marital relations and without going into pages of details to prevent a divorce. It's not really to do with not wanting any children, but more to do with making marital relations work which I believe this procedure will allow. However, a lot of the quotes I have seen talk about castration not being allowed and from that point of view that self-mutilation is haram it is logical. A vasectomy isn't removing the testicles but just tying the VAS to prevent sperm from flowing, so from how I see it having a vasectomy is not really mutilation or self-harm. In my case it’s a way to save my marriage. I would really appreciate responses that discuss situations where having a vasectomy is ok. Wa Salam