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Old 08-10-2009, 03:38 PM   #24

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asSalaamu Alaikum,

Islam and the World - Shaykh `Allamah Abul Hasan Ali an-Nadwi (ra)
---> Masha'allah Shaykh has so magnificently articulated in this work!
Found this book again after I lost it many years ago.

Brilliant book.

As Salik have you read 'Islam and western civilisation' by the same author. Its written in the same vain and style and I think they go together nicely.

If people can track these two books down,they should and read them. Talks alot of history,and how various forces have applied their resources to take people away from Islam. Talks about various countries. I think its a special read for Muslims living in the west.

Anyway, a personal fave of mine is Al I'tidal(Islamic politics) by Shaykh Zakariyah Khandelwi.

A book which is so amazing,that everytime I read it,a different understanding is gained through it. Written many years ago but the lessons are applicable even today.
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