Thread: Welldone
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Old 05-04-2012, 02:40 PM   #6

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Oct 2005
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Welldone to whoever closed the thread!

I guess the guy bugmenot was causing enough embarrassment for the neobandis, so better to bury the thread altogether. Shame he didn't have the guts to answer the questions posed to him and had to resort to personal attacks.

Didn't have the guts to come out and declare Shaykh Uthman dan Fodio a kaafir or mushrik, but instead directed it at the people who highlighted the shaykh's words. Pathetic individual...I guess his ego was hurt to much after the kicking the neobandis got on that thread, so I suggest he stops worshipping his own ego before he goes around accusing people of shirk.

We must remember Shaykh Uthman dan Fodio is a widely accepted righteous scholar, and the Prophet salAllahu 'alayh wasallam said, "The scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets", and that part of the legacy that Shaykh Uthman dan Fodio inherited, which he has left for the ummah are his works.

Yet the internet mujaddids of this age who have inherited jack all can find bidah and shirk in the Shaykh's legacy.

We ask Allah for safety and security.

May Allah give you the ghayra of his tawheed.

If "Uthman dan Fodio had invited you to eat pork and drink whiskey you would have said that he inherited it from al-Mustafa . If he had asked you to worship Laat and Hubal or Ganpati and Buddha you would have rushed to perform it.

Don't open your mind so much that your brains fall out.

You take an ordained act of worship for the Creator and offer it for the Created.

You point your empty head and face away from the Qibla of the believers and instead of saying Ya Qadir! Help me, you say Ya 'Abd al-Qadir help me.

The internet mujaddids of this age may have inherited jack but have not let go of the Kalima-e-Tawheed. And you have inherited Tawheed and turned it into jack.

Allahu musta'an. Our plea is to Allah alone:

Khannda-zann Kufr hai, Ehsaas tujhe hai ke nahin,
Apnee Tawheed ka kuch paas tujhe hai ke nahin.

Infidelity mocks faith, hast Thou some feeling or not?
Dost Thou have any regard for Thy own Oneness or not?
gymnAnemoe is offline


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