Thread: Welldone
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Old 05-04-2012, 10:58 PM   #16

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From Mufti Husain:

I am extremly busy at the moment and have no time to enter into a discussion on Istighathah, however I guess it is time to clarify some basic concepts, which you seem to have difficulty grasping.

When a person calls out to one who is absent for help, he could do it in one of the following ways:

1- Believing that person having the ability to hear him and/or help him from afar on his own without the news being conveyed to him though ilham or Angels, without such abilities been granted by Allah
2- Believing that person having the ability to hear him and/or help him from afar on his own without the news being conveyed to him though ilham or Angels, with such powers having been granted by Allah, but Allah Ta'la (wa al-iyadh bi Allah) being unable to strip him of those powers.

These two are clear shirk and not the issue under discussion, as you will have to really look hard to find Muslims holding such belief. I wouldn't be too surprised if a few of the really extremist Barelwis do hold such beliefs, however, that isn't for discussion here.

3-Believing that person having the ability to hear him and/or help him from afar on his own without the news being conveyed to him though ilham or Angels, with such powers having been granted by Allah who holds the ability to strip him of such powers when he wishes.

This is the type of istighathah under discussion and this is what is meant by "Istiqlan", as this person supposedly receives knowledge of the unseen mustaqillan (independently), as the news was not delivered to him, rather he perceived it on his own.
Our Hanafi Fuqaha have clearly stated that one who believes in a person other than Allah Ta'ala being able to receive knowledge of the unseen in this manner, is a KAFIR.
I suppose they were probably loose in slithering out the words "kufr" and "shikr"!

As for the 4th and 5th type, that is one who calls out:
4- Not believing that the person has the ability to hear me, rather Allah Ta'ala would convey this call to him and then allow him to come to my aid through a karamah or instead Allah Ta'ala would aid me


5- Not believing that the person has the ability to hear me, rather he just adopted such words as Tawassul in the court of Allah, in reality asking Allah for help, without even intending that this person can ever hear me in any way or help me

then these two are definitely not Shirk haqiqi.Yes, our Ulama forbid people from calling in such a manner as it could lead to others getting the impression of shirk or it could lead to the callers own beliefs being spoilt after some time.

The situation Mufti Taqi sahib called "fiqurative" or "imaginary" falls into this last type, as it is common in poetry, where a person calls out to all types of imanimate objects: addressing the earth, the walls, etc, not in anyway intending that they can hear or even respond. The same for those elders who address Awliya in their poetry.
Clearly some forms of istighatha are allowed depending on the niyyah and belief behind the call; and some are shirk/haram, again depending on the underlying niyyah and belief of the caller.
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