I have worked with Tasheel & IEOSA Series for almost 10 years in US & UK and also Taleemul Haq. Taleemul Haq & Tasheel Series (old) are almost unusable by Non-Asians and they are very difficult to pick up and teach by ordinary teachers. The Lessons don’t follow a teaching plan of any kind the progression for children isn’t uniform i.e. it jumps around. The efficacy of a great Hanafi Manual like Taleemul Haq is undermined by poor presentation, spelling and grammar errors and inconsistent in Lesson presentation. There needs to be a consistent approach throughout the book: a) Introduce Terms b) Introduce Lesson Objectives c) Introduce Lessons d) Expand the Lessons e) Close f) Review g) Evaluate Something like that, instead what you have is some Lessons following a format and others don’t. The (old) Tasheel is not good quality either and also not consistent and also requires knowledge of Urdu in order to teach. The (new) Tasheel series has improvements in: a) Text (a lot of emphasis has been placed on spelling, grammar etc) b) Pictures c) Lesson Presentation d) Formatting But the transformation is not YET complete and many books havn’t been upgraded yet. What is still lacking is someone with a teaching background to go through the text and really harmonise: a) Structuring of Lessons b) Progression through Books (as Kids grow up) Tasheel is taught in Madaris in UK & US and the reason it works is because the Ulama & Huffadh teaching it already know the material and they actually bring in and draw upon their knowledge of the subject matter. IEOSA Series is head and shoulders above Tasheel in the way it is laid out “Academically” but since I don’t know which Ulama (in South Africa) have contributed to it I don’t recommend it. IQRA Series is also very good and well laid but again I am not sure about the “involvement of Ulama”. So rightly or wrongly we are stuck with “Tasheel”, once a decision has been made we enhance the teaching through Tasheel in the following ways: 1) Strong emphasis on Teacher’s Lesson plans on how to organise the Lesson 2) Use the Tasheed series as a guide and a Skeleton and bring in information about the subject from other reliable sources of Fiqh, Hadeeth, Seerah etc. So in general use Tasheel but it will need to be complimented. It will take you a year or two of experimentation with the Tasheel series and the teachers will then have their own resources (in conjunction with Tasheel series) to draw upon. And by teachers I don’t necessarily mean qualified teachers but anybody with an inkling of teaching. You should setup a process and a method of teaching and then everybody follows. For the first year teaching from Tasheel will be a learning process. P.S: If you teach to Non-Deobandees then the first task is to EARN THEIR RESPECT through your professionalism and believe me most kids don't like Taleemul-Haq & "old tasheel" and it doesn't matter if they are from US or UK.