So in this instance the Imaam-e-Kabah leads a large congregation at Esha Salaah and he performs 2 raka'ah qasr. Imagine the mass confusion. Also, are the regular Imaams consulted or is it pushed down their throat by the event/tour organisers? Lastly, wouldn't it be slightly better if Imaam-e-Kabah does a Quraan recital at a Masjid (like the Egyption Qurrah) instead of leading Salaah? Obviously, performing Salaah behind Imaam-e-Kabah does not increase the virtue and/or reward of your Salaah. There is virtue and reward in listening to Quraan out of Salaah as well. And to add, this phenomena of the Imaams of the Haram visiting and touring is a recent development, at least in South Africa.