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Old 03-14-2012, 08:37 PM   #10

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This is what we have to deal with on a daily basis. The stooges who literally "run" and control the 'Ulama and when you do have free, independent, brave 'Ulama who speak for the haqq no matter what; this is the kind of abuse they have to endure (may Allah grant them istikamat):
Mohammed Wadee
So Majlis has begun his crazy rantings! even the Imaam of the Haram is not safe from his filthy accusations and mis-information! May Allah protect us from such evil person/s.
Yesterday at 20:16 • Like
Muhammad Jawwaad Akleker and 9 others like this.
Mohammed Wadee
Majlis is, without any doubt, the primary culprit in creating mischief within the South African Muslim Community. I very much doubt the he/ they are capable of saying any good! I never ever thought that one single human could spill so much of filth out of his mouth! حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل
Yesterday at 20:24 • Like • 4
Muhammad Jawwaad Akleker
Yesterday at 20:28 • Like
Mohammed Wadee
If only his 'newspaper' was free of Ayaat & Ahadith, it would be the perfect toilet paper!
Yesterday at 20:31 • Like
Sulayman Patel
100 % correct Sheikh Wadee Saheb
Yesterday at 20:47 • Like
Rashaad Patel
Yesterday at 20:49 • Like
Rashaad Patel
this the article? Typicaly anti-Saudi...he hasnt deviated from his stance on the house of Saud..
Yesterday at 20:51 • Like
Aseelah Adam
I wish I never knew of this article!
Yesterday at 21:12 • Like • 1
Naseema Mall
I think he's a sad, lonely, bitter man
Yesterday at 21:40 • Like • 3
Ayesha Sardiwalla
May Allah guide him and protect us all from falling into the kind of extremesim that is diplayed by some individuals. May Allah purify our hearts and guide us upon the path that is closest to that of the prophet Muhammed alayhi salaam. aameen
Yesterday at 22:15 • Like • 2
Mohammed Wadee
The article is filled with lies and slander. Firstly: imaams of the haram recite 2 Rakaat on journey as per the sunnah. Mad man needs to get his facts right! As for the permissibility of reading 4 on a journey, this is something that 3 of the 4 great Imaams considered permissible. Strange how the very same mad man that claims following a mathab is compulsory degrades the very same leaders of the mathab. the rest of the article is based on the same thrash which is a reflection of the writers lack of intelligence and insanity!
Yesterday at 22:15 • Like
Riaad Akhalwaya
Yes, but sometimes even a 'madman' speaks some words of truth: "The list of Saudi crimes is long and heart-rending. It actively aids the U.S.A. in the furtherance of American plots against Islam and the Ummah." Even some Salafi ulema have pronounced kufr on the Saudi regime, for the above reasons.
Yesterday at 22:52 • Like
Safiyyah Surtee
Ok besides the usual drivel, can't believe I'm actually saying this, but he has two points which I agree with
1) the debauchery of the Saudi king/ruling family (which is ironic, he speaks of them being the antithesis of Shariah, yet when it comes to certain gender issues, majlis and house of saud are very much on the same page)
2) desecration of our legacy and holy sites in the name of bid'ah.
That said, it's the majlis, it's their thing to cause rife esp when an esteemed scholar is visiting ... No one takes them seriously so it shouldn't affect the program insha'allah
Yesterday at 22:53 • Like • 4
Riaad Akhalwaya
I'm a supporter of moderate Salafi reforms. But let's be honest and admit that the Saudi Salafi leadership is rotten to the core. Remember how Sh. Hudhaifi was fired and put under house arrest for daring to criticise the Regime in his Jumuah Khutbah? The same will happen to Sh. Maheer if he doesn't toe the line. Where is the credibility in scholars who are muzzled like this?
Yesterday at 23:19 • Like • 2
Yaseen Adam
Mujadeed fee asrinaa (sh majlis) has nothing else to do, bt cause fitnah and mischief in our land, I dnt see how ppl still takes from him, May Allah guide is all to the Haqq
Yesterday at 23:21 • Like
Yaseen Adam
Hazret desai the masaajied are phoning the embassy the embassy is not phoning them lol
Yesterday at 23:29 • Like • 1
Riaad Akhalwaya
Compare the harms posed by the Saudi Regime to the ummah, with that of the insignificant Majlis newspaper, and it is clear that there is no contest.
Yesterday at 23:36 • Like
Ebrahim Nana
Riaad .. So TRUE...
7 hours ago • Like
Suzi Ismail out,ur comment will b deleted soon.
5 hours ago • Like
Muhammad Jawwaad Akleker
@suzi how embarrassing if it doesnt, hehe
5 hours ago • Like
Suzi Ismail
@naseema.r u sure u not talking about ur
5 hours ago • Like
Muhamed-Nur Nordien
Salaam. All though I do not totally agree with the accusations , I do admire him for being honest and constant in promoting and saying what he believes. Unlike the hundreds of filthy opportunistic hypocrites who will run to shake the imams hand , be seen with him , some of them will call u to make private arrangements to see him and visit him in his hotel away from the keys of the public. Or invite him to talk for the sake of showing off , and then ( as now) curse salafies and the imams after the imam leaves ! I admire Majlis for always being honest and true to what they believe is the truth ! We might not agree with the majlis approach , but they say what is on their minds and that is comforting and honorable in a very strange way!
4 hours ago • Like • 2
Angels Adv O Kate u all.please stop the salafi/ulema bashing...if u were on the saudi payroll,u 2 would have defended the saudi salafi the last dollar.
4 hours ago • Like • 1 Need I say any more?

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