Three more sisters joined the Al Huda course...
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09-18-2011, 01:30 PM
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Oct 2005
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are you aware that dr. farhat hashmi is a scholar who can produce her own rulings?have you researched her academic background or do you know about her academic background from the fatwa given against her by binnoria town?i think its unfair that just because somebody isnt deobandi or hasnt graduated from a deobandi madrassah that she not be taken seriously.
reading the Quran from memory
for a menstruating woman:there is a difference in opinion. the majority say it is haram. minority say its permissible. However you may note that : "This is the opinion of Maalik, and one opinion narrated from Ahmad, which Ibn Taymiyah preferred and which al-Shawkaani believed to be correct."
these are very respectable names. respected by every scholar who isnt biased. (this is the source:
dot com/en/ref/2564/touching%20Quran%20during%20menstruation) . i know most ppl here hate this site but atleast give the scholar credit for honestly stating the daleels by both sides.)
so you have to see that one party cannot condemn the other. so why condemn farhat hashmi or al huda?
everyone is in agreement that one cannot 'touch the mushaf' while menstruating.
please provide evidence she or alhuda stated one can touch the mushaf while menstruating. if there is any such evidence i will retract my claims.
are you aware al huda teaches stuff other than how a menstruating woman should read the Qur'an?are you aware of how many women they have brought closer to islam?is there any other madrassah that has the same level of achievement for women?i repeat often that pakistan's ( i speak for pakistan only) elite class got connected to islam through al huda. the madrassah's just couldnt reach out to them. you wanna know why?it is because while our muftis are well-versed in islam the common person's knowledge of the world far exceeds theirs. so the common person cannot connect to them on that same level. but they can connect to al huda.
al huda doesnt teach 'modern' islam as the seculars do. they teach a salafi-oriented islam closer to ahl e hadith. i know most SF members hate both and they are right in doing so. but have you ever seen al huda lot telling people to derive their own fiqh themselves?isnt that what ghair muqallids do, no?to me the fiqh taught there is similar to that in saudia. pick the strongest opinion from every madhhab. or abrogate a madhab's ruling when you deem another daleel as stronger. and when that is done by a scholar then that is totally allowed. even mufti taqi usmani has stated that scholars, only scholars can do this. so where do al huda lot preach that laymen can do it too?
my personal stance is that contrary to what al huda say taqlid for laymen is good. for it stops fitna from spreading. there are good and bad things about al huda. i accept both. but acceptance should be made on truth not fabrications.
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