The Madrassah culture needs a good amount of reformation so that it can become of the same significance to the society as it was some 150 years ago. The counter-madrassah educational system launched by Sir Sayyid Ahmed khan has made its way through the society while the Madrassahs are still fighting for their survival. There are a thousand reasons behind this but the most valid one is the acceptance of science by our society. Whether one studies science or not , whether on is in the favor of studying it or not , we all are using it one way or the other. The madrassahs must now give up that old practice of separation of religious knowledge from the worldly knowledge and bring some balance in their approach. The issue is delicate but if handled carefully , Islamic universities can be launched which can provide sound religious and scientific education to the students.
Originally Posted by dr.ati View Post The madrassahs must now give up that old practice of separation of religious knowledge from the worldly knowledge and bring some balance in their approach. Even in the secular education system there are science and arts streams. So, per say, this compartmentalization is not so bad. What is required is the integration of modern and religious education for the initial stage of education. For madarsa people the task should not be so difficult because Dars-e-Nizami has already some elements that are of scientific type. The secular/modern system has to do more catching up because in that system even basic Islamic education is not taken care of. The issue is delicate, .... You said it Dr Sahab. It is difficult to communicate to the either side. This sinner is one of those poor souls who are completely in no-man's land-so I understand what you mean. but if handled carefully Islamic universities can be launched which can provide sound religious and scientific education to the students. True again. What I find surprising that this is a thing that should have happened by now but some how it is still a pie in the sky. Since you have mentioned Sir Syed I'll conclude with that angle. The inheritors of Sir Syed are, at this moment, in a state of complete disarray. Being a part of that glorious legacy it is very painful to say above words but you may check it for your self by becoming member of one or more of the Alig discussion groups I have linked here. The environment there is such that I have never felt the desire to contribute there. Wassalam
Quote Originally Posted by Maripat View Post Since you have mentioned Sir Syed I'll conclude with that angle. The inheritors of Sir Syed are, at this moment, in a state of complete disarray. Being a part of that glorious legacy it is very painful to say above words but you may check it for your self by becoming member of one or more of the Alig discussion groups I have linked here. The environment there is such that I have never felt the desire to contribute there. Wassalam
Quote Originally Posted by dr.ati View Post brother Maripat you must be well aware of the present status of the Aligs in india. The ones i have seen in Pakistan , the old ones who studied there before partition or right after the partition , have gone miles away from Islam. My grandfather's brother graduated from there in the early 50,s and now he is an 80 year old "clean shaved grandpa". The religious ideologies of Sir Sayyid Ahmed khan had its negative impacts as well. Hameed ud deen Farahi , Ameen Ahsan Islahi , Javed Ahmed Ghamidi are the secondary products of his teachings and Ghulam Ahmed Parevez was like his carbon copy. Infact , the religious ideology of Sir Sayyid effected millions and his concepts of "social reforms in Muslim thought and society" effected billions. However , I do feel that the Ulama did not counter him very well. Except for Nadwat ul Ulama may be,the rest of the groups went to the other extreme of complete rejection of modern education. This thought of the Ulama (Who may have been very sincere in their intentions) not only failed to counter the culture of "Mr" but also failed to keep the Muslims away from science vs Islam war. ( Science vs Christianity is an understandable and historical terminology but science vs Islam is a recent concept). I really sometimes struggle hard to think of a solution to this.
Averros & Omar khyam comes to mind. On a personal note I do not like to use science as a proof for relegion. Too often people over emphaises science. I think Mufti Taqi deferntiate puts this nicely in his book 'Science of Quran' where he catagorises knowledge in differnt set.
None of them came into confrontation due to their scientific views. Ibn Rushd mainly tried to preserve the Aristotelian and Platonic thought in Islam (Tahafut al-tahafut which was his response to Al Ghazali's Tahafah ul Falasifa) so he was refuted for that. Omar Khayam is mainly criticized for his poetical views regarding religious pluralism ,anti-totalitarianism,feminism etc . I think this had got nothing to do with science.