What's the most polite way to tell someone: MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. ? Its quite common and extremely irritating when ppl ask you things about which are not supposed to concern them in the very least bit. Honestly, when they ask you things like: How much profit does your dad make per month? How much did he pay for this car? Why is he spending so much on this project? How much zakaat does he give every year? Does he rates and taxes? Who's your cousin making georgie porgie nonsense with now? Is so and so having marital problems? Is your sisters sister-in-law's mother-in-law doing backdoor business? Do your mum and her in-laws get along well? etc etc etc etc etc etc etc. GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrr!!! You try your best to change the topic and say you don't know, which is true 90% of the time... but it's something they're really dying to know, so naturally the questions always pop-up again and all you wanna tel them is ''Plz Will You Mind Your Own Business? But of course you're too polite to say so even though you're fully aware that what they doing is much much more impolite. Still, you just can't be so straight! So in your opinion whats the best way to say it nicely without anybody getting mad, sad or upset in the process??? Jazaakallahu khair.