Uniting the Muslim forums
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04-28-2012, 07:41 PM
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Oct 2005
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Uniting the Muslim forums
al-Salamu `Aleykum wa Rahmatullah,
I would like it if the English speaking forums of the Muslims were united, and by united I don't mean that silly idea of merging all the forums into one, but I mean opening a small forum where the admins and mods of all of the Muslim forums would come together and discuss mutual issues, forum rules, Islamic issues and how things should be dealt with on forums such as the Quranists or Atheists or attacking Scholars from opposing schools and so on... in order to have peace and a type of unity, and so that for example Salafi/Hanbali forums won't be banned on Hanafi/Sufi forums and vice-versa, so we can bring together forums like "Ummah" and "Islamic-awakening" and "SunniForum" and "Ahlul-Hadith" and "Euro-Sunni" and "Islamic-Forum" ect...
The idea is something like the "Arab league" but to unite Muslims instead of Arabs, so what do you think? I've been a mod on "Islamic-Forum" and I saw great benefit in discussing matters with other mods, how certain problems should be dealt with, and we'd agree on certain rules, how convenient would it be if rules became "universal" and if these things were discusses at a wider range across forum borders.
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