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04-07-2012, 05:59 PM
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Oct 2005
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That's why I stuck with that negative definition since even if you say that this and that force was applied, the hadith seperates it from kingship,tyranny and force. That requires that we define what islamically is kingship, tyranny and rule by force meant in this hadith and negate such from our understanding of what ideal khilafah is. Allah has also negated tyranny from Himself in the Quran. So a tyranny can never be categorised as Islamic.
Moreover, I find it troubling that tthose who call for shariah government or khilafah do not have a ideal model in place on what they want tto achieve as an example. They just pic from here and there based on whims from 1400yrs ffor Islamic history. Many of them use the islamic Spain and some other such examples to show what khilafat rule would be yet they at the same time do not agree in accepting the very aspects like openness and diversity and other aspects of Islamic Spain which made Islamic spain a history to boast about today.
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