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04-14-2012, 05:43 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
The truth is, the vast majority of people couldn't care less how the leader is selected........ The method of selection will ultimately lead to the extent to which the leader is accepted by the ummah.
As long as (in addition to shariah) there's relative peace and stability.... Even if it involves aggressively stopping rioter/people unhappy with regime by bombing/killing them, until they cease or until they cease to exist?
people's rights and liberties are respected rights according to who? western liberty or muslim "liberty"?
I don't care if the government was a dictatorship installed by a military coup If it is a dictator ship they will emphasis their own brand of what they perceive sharia/islam to be. Imagine if the coup is done by the qaddiyanis!
Only Allah and his messenger know better
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