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04-15-2012, 03:55 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
One example of democracy, pakistan..........
i'm not going to comment on this because positive comments about Pakistan leads to deletion of posts and even whole threads.
But muslims these days wont listen to this, they want their nafs satisfied, so they will rebel against their legitimate rulers and install 'democracies' and descend into chaos. legitimate rulers????? What made them legitimate?? because they had the biggest armies? the bigger stick? favoured/supplied by the kuffar west?
Did the forefathers of these "legitimate rulers" not themselves fight others who could be described as the legitimate rulers of their own lands, which these rulers conquered or were given.
People like zardari and other leaders are first chosen by their own peers i.e. politicians, most of the time decomcracies don't vote for the immediate leader rather they choose the party to vote e.g. conservative or labour in UK. If david cameron (current uk PM) resigns now, there will be no national election for next PM, rather the conservative party will decide their next leader and s/he will become next PM.
In an Islamic democracy it will be a one party system, so people like zardari don't have a chance.
People will vote for members of the shura, who will then go on to choose the khalifa.
The khalifa will have an unlimited term BUT is free to resign if he wants.
Khalifa can also nominate a few people into the shura e.g. 1/10, who will help choose the successor.
Khalifa is not allowed to choose a successor upon death or resignation.
I've briefly outlined the basic concepts that might be in place
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