Salam, This talk(in Urdu) was delivered by Hazrat Gee db(Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi Mujaddidi db) in Multan recently. He starts off with discussing all the Engineering disciplines quite amazingly. MashAllah, what a Pure memory he has, remembers every tiny detail. He unveils some of the secrets of Genetic Engineering, how it will play its part in spreading fitnah in the world, how genetically developed human beings will be common in the world turning men away from God. Ultimately, he discusses how this discipline of Genetic Engineering will contribute towards the Last Hour. A must listen. Remember this sinful person in your powerful prayers. JazakAllah. PS: I have access to all the recordings of the recent Miskeenpur Ijtema alongwith all the recitations and hamd o naat, if anyone wants them please let me know. Download Link for the talk: