Worried about missing Dhuhr - please give advise.
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04-27-2012, 05:54 PM
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Oct 2005
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Assalaamu alaikum sis.
May God bless you for trying to fulfil an obligation. I pray that someone from the Shafi'i madhab can help answer you.
I feel a sense of distress coming from you, with the idea of just missing Zuhr, and that in itself if commendable. But this religion, I don't know, I doubt is meant to make things tremendously difficult for you. Personally, I know I have combined my prayers in such a situation.
However, I know that I have also at times felt such distress at it, that Allah helps you, in that where there is a will there is a way.
I feel that taking a prayer mat, or even a piece of paper, or another scarf with you, just so that you can find a small spot, somewhere, in a room or something, where you can pray quickly insha'allah, nearby.
I know that when I have done exams before, there are two things, one sometimes I don't feel good if I haven't prayed, and I know that an effort made for God, the reward and ease that comes after in your exams and what you do next, can't really be put into words.
However, this faith insha'Allah, is not to drive you to madness either. I don't know. If you can't pray before, then pray after, with your second scarf acting as a prayer mat/or your prayer mat.
Insha'Allah, are there no rooms nearby in the building where you can pray?
It is the fear itself which is greater. If you had enough time, i would have done some scouting to find a place to pray before the exam.
Sometimes there is no stopping someone who wants to pray, and when you gotta do it you gotta do it. I would have faith in Allah...He can see you right now and He knows what worries you have.
My alternative, would be to combine Zuhr in Asr time - althought, I admit I dont know how right I am with this. However I have had to do this before, taking dispensation from another madhab.
Your exams are also a worship to God, although not 'fard', it seems that in the long term you are doing your best to serve Him in some way with them.
Allah is also merciful. I pray that you will find your answer.
May Allah guide you, and me, and forgive me for any wrong that I have mentioned. I pray that you are brave and strong. The key to praying in public, is to be well mannered and polite, and to be as considerate and out of the way as possible, if you can, and if you can't then still with manners and politeness, apologise for taking 2 mins to pray. (I say 2 mins, because no matter how long it is, it is to a nonmuslim, its easier). I don't see insha'Allah how they could refuse you.
I sense you want to take you mat and pray, and I think that is fine. You will find a spot, even if its behind a car in acarpark or near the trees or somewhere, or infront of everyone. Allah is with you, and the angels are with you, keep saying la illaha illalla wa la howla wa la quwatta illa billah...He will make it easy.
do not postpone your exams...i dont think that you should do that...Allahu alim.
(you dont necessarily need your prayer mat - you could put another scarf you have on you on the ground, or your coat on the ground or a paper...something to make it easy for you. unless your prayer mat is thin and not hard to carry around....I mean some like to be discrete about it...just other options..)
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