Sister, we cannot use singular ahadeeth as proof. There are narrations that Rasoolullah recited loudly during Dhuhr salah once - does that mean we should all recite loudly in Dhuhr salah - considering the fact that reciting loudly in Dhuhr will nullify your salah? There are narrations that Rasoolullah did not make sajdah when the verse of sajdah at the end of Surah an-Najm was recited to him. Does that mean we should not do so either? We have to understand the context of each of the narrations. Perhaps Rasoolullah was reciting loudly to emphasize a few ayaat that were revealed? Perhaps he did not have wudhu so he could not do the sajdah? We have to look at how the sahaba followed and practiced upon the sunnah, not just rely on what has been narrated from Rasoolullah . This is because the "final" and "completed" sunnah can be seen amongst the sahaba, whereas some narrations from Rasoolullah may have been before a ruling was abrogated or there may have been special circumstances. We don't see the sahaba combining prayers when they were not traveling - and even then, the Hanafis say that the sahaba did not combine the prayers but they delayed Dhuhr to near its end time but prayed it within it and as they were finishing, 'Asr time started and they then prayed 'Asr within its time.