What has this World come to ? what have even we muslims come to ?? Daily 10000's of innocent humans are killed , Daily non stop injustice is being done to people - Love has been far gone from this World - Father hates son , son hates father , daughter hates mother , mother hates daughter , mothers have become slaves while daughters have become Mistresses , Family betrays Family , Relatives betrays Relatives , Wife is not truthful to Husband commits zina in his absence , Husband is not truthful to wife , commits zina in her absence ,, Zina is increasing day by day i have been witnessing with my own eyes - gays are increasing , Pornography has become FAvourite past time among youth - only betrayal is left friendship is gone from hearts - most people are becoming atheists , have forgotten ALLAH - what the hell has this world come to ? :s How to live as an innocent man in such a world ?