Any woman who sells her body for money is a prostitute, whether she does it to a man or on the Screen while selling shaving razors in essense she is a PROSTITUTE. The reason people watch them is because of their beauty (i.e. external and physcial beauty). I didn't know anything about Soha Ali so I googled it and YES SHE IS A PROSTITUTE due to her actions. Our Ulama and our Akabir have never shared a platform with prostitutes and I gave example after example that they could have if they wanted to. Our Ulama and our Akabir have never shared a platform with Movie Stars and Singers and I gave example after example that they could have if they wanted to. It is baseless to argue that Maulana Madani Saheb (DB) didn't know who he is sharing the platform with because he is Media-Savvy and they pre-inform you as to who is coming. IF Maulana Madani Saheb (DB) was caught unaware then he should clarify his stance. In the other thread I made a stance about women attending college/working etc. We cannot make generilisations about a women attending college or university or working because we don't know the full story. In case of a woman who is selling her body openly and publicly there is no room for error and YES SHE IS A PROSTITUTE