no need for ISNA, ICNA, FITNA in USA.... FIRST ----> * Every muslim in America has to pray 5 times salah. Where is America????? in the past ten years see the growth of Islam in France and America? In America, Organisations are growing day by day.. people build big masjid, buy land day by day. No one wants to build Eeeman Going 40 days, 4 months in JAMAAAT is Bi'dah but having SINGBOARD "KNOW ISLAM??? " "JESUS A MUSLIM" "CALL HOTLINE ISLAM" is Sunnah - LOL May Allah protect Muslims in US By end of the day, people must know that the deen in US is 30 years old but the deen in India is 1000+ years old. Indian people who hasnt prayed in India come to US and start pray and invent Newtonic discoveries of Galieleo's Anthropology....