Brother, what is with Americans? It's almost like they are ashamed of Islaam and will do anything to conform to an American way of life. I mean look at these much vaunted 'scholars' is this the attire, setting and teachings of true Islaam?* It's almost like there is no regard for dressing in a sunnah manner or free mixing. Similar to Dr Ingrid they even try to dismiss pardah between men and women in masjids as a cultural issue that came and went in the 4th century and is 'no longer relevant' (listen around 19minute mark). Similarly, I was sent an email link of a photo album of a Zaytuna dinner recently and I really wish I hadn't opened it, it looked like an Oscars event or something. Everyone suited and booted, men and women free mixing on almost every table including famous Zaytuna scholars. If it wasn't labelled Zaytuna you probably wouldn't even know it was an 'Islamic' event. Why this desperation to conform in America?