i noticed.. since couple of months it seemed youths/muslim reverts/non-muslims.. online/offline. confused about some terminolgies found in muslim community so i am looking for Authentic definitions for the followings.. Islam Muslim Sunni Shia Madhab hanafi shafaii hanbali maliki salafi arab or non-arab ghair muqallids. a very general term for a ghair muqallid.may or may not be athari. but definitive feature is they do not do taqlid of one imam. other characteristics may vary region-wise ahlehadith indo-pak ghair muqallids. very aggressive. do not believe there is a necessity for fiqh and ahadith to be separate. they are NOT athari Tableeghi jamati islami their ideology is considered deviant by ulema-e-haqq. brother umairel is correct about their political stance jamati muslemeen deobandi barelwi wahabi arab salafis. they reject following one madhab in totality but their 'fiqh' is whatever coincides from the madhabs with sahih ahadith. lot of emphasis on hafiz ibn e taymiyyah, sheikh albani and on bidah and shirk. they DO NOT consider taqlid to be haram or shirk ..to be contd. if find more.. but for now.. i need Authentic definitions for these since i want to compile these and put it in the local libraries for references so that it might help youths/revert mulsims/non-muslims to educate themselves about these terminologies.