The situation of the Muslims of Italy and in reality the whole world
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12-12-2011, 01:29 AM
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Oct 2005
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both points actually. Wherever the deobandis have gone ilm and quraan have gone with them mashallah. On the other hand wherever they have not gone in the west the the place has been taken over by idil minds who promote such rubbish but think they are know it all. The dooktors and other armchair muftis who read a few books here and there and watch a few shows on satellite tv and think they know it all. They claim to be enlightened, modern etc but on the day of judgement inshallah we shall see who has the last laugh inshallah. These ahlul bidah are far worse than the salafis, brelvis, jamaat e islami combined. These secular modernists who mock the sunnah and shariah deserve capital punishment and if there was a true islamic state they would surely be hanged for promoting such kufr. Until then we must use the jihad of the tongue and pen against them and refute all their kufr. However such members should never be given a platform to speak and I wonder how such people are allowed to continuously mock the shariah and sunnah on sunniforum and get away with it.
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