I take issue with this statement: "((Allah)) Most Gracious is firmly established on the throne (of authority)," which A. Y. Ali claims is the meaning of [TaHa 20:5]. Since tafweed is impossible while translating (translation necessarily involves choosing a particular meaning for the original words), any translator must rely on the ta'weel of those scholars who have made ta'weel. The 'Ash'ari school gives more than one acceptable ta'weel for this verse. "established" is not one of them (to my knowledge). Especially since the word 'establish' gives a sense of place when used in conjunction with 'on.' It would have been preferable if he had chosen a word like "dominates" - ie. "Allah dominates the throne." 'Dominate' is not only one of the denotations of the verb istawaa, but also is entirely consistent with the other verses of the Qur'an like "laysa kamithlihi shay'" and "al-WaaHid ul-Qahhaar."