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Old 04-23-2012, 03:51 AM   #11

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السلام عليكم

إن الأرض على صخرة والصخرة على قرن ثور فإذا حرك الثور قرنه تحركت الصخرة فتحركت الأرض وهي الزلزلة "Earth is on a rock, the rock is on the horn of a bull, if he moved his horn the rock moves and so does that earth, this is the quake."

Ibn al-Qayyim said "Fabricated" in al-Manar al-Muneef pg.67. He also said:

العجب من مسود كتبه بهذه الهذيانات "It is strange how some can fill their books with such hallucinations."

al-Qawuqji said "Fabricated" in al-LuLu al-Marsu' pg.52.

In al-Bidayah wal-Nihayah 1/15, Ibn Katheer said while commenting on this narration:

هذا الإسناد يذكر به السدي أشياء كثيرة فيها غرابة ، وكأن كثيرا منها متلقى من الإسرائيليات "Al-Sudi mentions with this Isnad many strange things, it appears that many of these are taken from Israeliyat."

As for the main origin of this story, it is recorded in Ma'alim al-Tanzeel 8/186, Tafseer al-Qurtubi 29/442 and abu Na'eem ibn Hilyat al-Awliyaa 6/8:

قال كعب الأحبار : إن إبليس تغلغل إلى الحوت الذي على ظهره الأرض فوسوس إليه ، فقال له : أتدري ما على ظهرك يا لوِيثا – اسم الحوت - من الأمم والدواب والشجر والجبال لو نفضتهم ألقيتهم عن ظهرك ، فهمّ لوِيثا أن يفعل ذلك فبعث الله دابة فدخلت منخره فوصلت إلى دماغه ، فعج الحوت إلى الله منها ، فأذن لها الله فخرجت .
قال كعب : فوالذي نفسي بيده إنه لينظر إليها وتنظر إليه إن همَّ بشيء من ذلك عادت كما كانت " Ka'b al-Ahbar said: "Ibees integrated himself into the whale which holds the earth on its back and made Waswasah to it, he said: "Do you know what is on your back O Luitha (I think he meant Leviathan) from nations and creatures and trees and mountains? if you shake you will throw them off your back." So Luitha began to shake but Allah sent a beast that entered his scales and reached his brains, so the whale asked Allah for forgiveness and so Allah permitted it to exist him."
Ka'b said: "By he who holds my life in his hand, it is looking at him and he is looking at her and if he ever tries to do it again it shall go back inside him."

And who is this "Ka'b al-Ahbar" you may ask? well he was a very respectable man in society, his full name is Abū Iṣḥaq Ka‘b ibn Mati‘ al-Humyari al-Aḥbār, he was a prominent Jewish Rabbi from Yemen who later traveled to Syria, He is counted among the Tabi‘in and narrated many Israeliyat.

So now you know where this came from, as for the Shia who knows, maybe Ja'far (rah) narrated it and maybe they falsely attributed it to him, we can't know because they don't have a science of Hadith.

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