Would the Quran turn you into an Atheist?
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04-12-2012, 06:11 AM
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Oct 2005
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I haven't studied the Qur'an in a scholarly fashion but I have read the Sahih international translation of the Qur'an from beginning to end. Did it surprise me? Yes, I was intrigued by the beauty and wisdom of the Qur'an, even in the English language. The way certain things are repeated over and over again, the way advice is given (especially in surah Luqman) and the dialogues (especially between Musa (as) and Fir'awn).
In the end, it only strengthened my iman (faith)
Also, I've listened to the tafseer of the last Juz (last 36 surahs) of the Qur'an, and it absolutely blew me away.
You can look them up on youtube, tafseer by Nouman Ali Khan.
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