Would the Quran turn you into an Atheist?
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04-12-2012, 03:47 PM
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Oct 2005
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(That is the answer to the OP. Sorry for chipping-in inspite of the fact that the question has been answered multiple times.)
Now let us have a chit chat. In Surah Baqarah we have:
2. This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah.
3. Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them;
4. And who believe in the Revelation sent to thee, and sent before thy time, and (in their hearts) have the assurance of the Hereafter.
5. They are on (true) guidance, from their Lord, and it is these who will prosper.
The least we can conclude from here is that Allah(SWT) will guide (and not misguide) those who have any one of the attributes listed above. Fearing Allah. Who believe in unseen. Who are steadfast in Prayers. Spend out of what Allah(SWT) has given them. Who believe in Qur'an. (Gotcha - brother you are there for you said that you are reading it as a book from Allah(SWT). And mind you I am not discounting you at any of the other points.) Who believe in revelations sent before. (You see even Jewish and Christians will be guided to Islam - only if they'll open this book.) Those who are sure of hereafter.
This is a list of at least seven attributes. Then at other places there are other attributes - Allah(SWT) will guide those also who possess anyone of them.
And if we refer to Verse 7 above we realize that such people are already on guidance! Sub-han Allah!
And then there is the experience of reading the words of Allah (SWT) who loves us most. When you read it then your experience starts falling into place like a jigsaw puzzle. What an experience!
And all praise is due to our Lord Most High.
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