The Deviant Beliefs of the Habashi's
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02-16-2010, 05:51 PM
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Oct 2005
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I said Ahbash have malice towards Ameer Mu'awiyah (ra) and I've provided the statements from the pen of al-Harawi himself that shows their beliefs that:
- one 'sahabi', is specifically condemned to Jahanam by Rasulallah (saw) himself for unjustly taking from the booty, and they've given as a proof a riwaya purportedly from Imaam Bukhari (rah).
- They take the statement of Rasulallah (saw), "May Allah (swt) not fill his belly" as meaning that Rasul (saw) is cursing Mu'awiyah (ra).
- They divide the Sahaba (ra) into two groups. Good Sahaba (ra) and Sinful Sahaba (ra) and say that Ameer Mu'awiyah (ra) and the first Sahabi mentioned are from amongst these.
I think anyone with sound mind can decide for themselves if (1)
considering someone as being bound for Jahanam
, (2)
accursed by the Prophet (saw) with no recourse
, and (3)
Sinful and outside of the 'awaam of "good"
, as being people they love or people they hate. In addition to these things, they say other things about Ameer Mu'awiyah (ra) and others such as their calling him the first of the
kings as opposed to simple as
first of the kings
. They suggest that Ameer Mu'awiyah (ra) broke the treaty with Hasan (ra) on the basis of some weak reports, etc. This has been discussed many times before, in many places with Ahbash far more knowledge and far less dishonest than the local one. Yet another example of a Habashi
admitting his cults teaching against saying "Radhi Allahu Anhu"
for Ameer Mu'awiyah (ra) [compare to the above mentioned links where the brothers brought statements from Imaam Shafi'i (rah) himself amongst others saying 'ra' for him (ra)]
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