brother faizal jazakallah khairan for your clarification. What you are saying makes me very happy. May ALLAH bless the people even more. One day inshallah I shall visit malaysia again because my stay was limited to KL really and I hated KL. There were hardly any masjids in the area I was staying in, seeing so many dodgy looking people wearing reveealing clothes I did not think I was in a muslim country. My experience is based on those people and those I spoke to who spoke of their desire to do hijrah to the arab world, the modernist islam being propagated by the government etc. With regards to the areas surrounding southern thailand and the qital of our brothers there I have heard that the most practicing muslims of that region are the thai muslims mashallah. May ALLAH increase them. One day I want to go there inshallah as well. Brother please post more on malaysia, islam, tabligh in malaysia, scholars, average daily life etc. May ALLAH bless our brothers in all parts of the world and give freedom to our thai brethren ameen.