Dante's blasphemous "The Divine Comedy" and its shameless admirers
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04-17-2012, 06:33 AM
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Oct 2005
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While I understand that one finds it extremely distasteful that he is quoted in what seems to be an approving way to many, I must say that anyone who has listened to or read Shaykh Hamza Yusuf quickly notices that it is simply a matter of his way of expressing himself. It is quite obvious to me that he does not "approve" of Dante and his blasphemous words. There is no doubt that Dante and his
Divine Comedy
had a great impact on European literature and poetry. While we reject any attack on our beloved Prophet wholeheartedly (and may salat and salam be upon him endlessly), we need to take the historical context into consideration. In the case of Shaykh Hamza, he knows his audience better than we do. To reach the white educated middle class, you may need to know your Dante, just as you will need to know your Shakespear. If not for anything else, at least to sway the hearts.
Wa Allahu aŽlam.
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