The fear of Remaining Impurity and Subsequent Irreversible Cross Contamination.
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04-19-2012, 12:52 PM
Join Date
Nov 2005
Senior Member
Insha Allah you will definitely get out of this brother. How about trying to psyche yourself up before going in the bathroom? Right before stepping in, tell Allah SWT
“I can do this with your help ya Allah. I can I can. I can. I can.”
Maybe even jump around like a boxer. Hey don’t laugh now...alright, but just a tiny bit
. Try it.
Also, I think if you can’t see the najas or smell it then it doesn’t count. Please someone correct me if I’m wrong.
You just have to deal with the mental discomfort. Eventually, it’s bound to stop if you don’t quit insha Allah ta’aala. You will be so fantastic insha Allah ta’aala. May we never quit and may we never dispair and may we always bounce back And may we have never-ending hope in Allah SWT no matter how badly we have wronged ourselves. Ameen. Indeed we are losers but we have hope in our Lord the Most Forbearing, the Most Gracious, the Most Loving, the Most Wise.
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