Studying Dunya or Studying Deen, Which Comes First?
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04-18-2012, 06:39 PM
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Oct 2005
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we have to study Deen first and basically what we have to do is first we become expert in Deen matters - understand Quran with tafseer - learn basics of Haram and Halal and afterward live our life in accordance with Deen
but we have to go along with Dunya as well - this doesnt mean we get addicted to worldly pleasures , no , all our life , in each and every second we have to thank and worship ALLAH , but going along with Dunya is very Important also - we Muslims would have been the most successful and advanced people by now if we would have lived our life in accordance with Quran unfortunately we were divided , and that divide and rule policy was introduced by enemies of Islam - so today you will see muslims fight amongst each other by such small issues like , Mawlid is permissible or not , Allah is on sky only or he is everywhere ? ( Salafi - Sunni ) , etc etc - and the most worst of all is that we are taking being divided as normally
each group claiming only they are going to Paradise others are deviants , - differences among us are not even big they are small , but still we like ourselves to be divided , thats why we are a little bit backwords in recent times ,
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