Family listening to music/watching haram shows?
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04-13-2012, 12:57 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
brother, the best thing you can do is inculcate the sunnah yourself and become a good practicing muslim. Make your parents really happy with school, by serving them, massaging their feet/body, do dawah through akhlaq and make mad dua that allah grants your family hidayat. Your parents will not change in one day, just like it took you time to realize the truth, inshallah allah will show them the way also.
parents have a special place in their hearts for children, inshallah through your akhlaq your parents will come to understand and will change slowly. Try not to make a big fuss around it with your parents when they are all watching tv, just avoid their company, and join them when they are not watching tv.
If you are tight with your mother, let her know that you don't like it when the family waste time in front of the tv. remind her that we will spend more time under ground than above ground and how we will have to answer to allah. Inshallah allah will open their eyes.
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