My advice try to get your own place or find Muslim[s] who think like you and see if they need a roommate.
do you get peace t.v. at your house on cable or satellite? it's a much better alternative to TV and 95% of the their content is very excellent. I know Dr. Zakir Naik's style can appeal to many desi people. (presupposing that you are desi here). also you could try playing mufti Ismail Menk's stories of the prophet's series on youtube to them...maybe they'll get hooked to it. in one of the first days he talks about the history of music and it's inception. it was actually something that shaytaan brought to the early humans and has stuck with them since.
try make masyura with the jamaat masjid closest to you. Maybe some sathis from the masjid can visit your family. or when there's jamaat in khuruj in your locality, can invite your family members to attend to the program.
Start taleem at home Even if only for a few minutes everyday at first
yes, start ta'lim everyday 15 mins. definitely no peace tv and stuff
First try to divert their mind from those hindi drama to any other informative channels (science,any cooking channels).Stat playing games with them.let involve them so much they forget their hindi drama timings. But if you want shortcut,cut the cable wire without informing them see their anxiety.(This is what one of my friend did ,and their parents cursing the cable operator why he cut the netwrk,we have payed monthly charge.She was very happy that day,but works for few days,her brother identified wire cut by her)