American Muslims should vote for Ron Paul?
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04-10-2012, 08:14 PM
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American Muslims should vote for Ron Paul?
"The value of paper money is precisely the value of a politician's promise, as high or low as you put that; the value of gold is protected by the inability of politicians to manufacture it."
– Sir William Rees-Mogg
Ron Paul would scale back the power of the state at federal as well as local levels, he would reduce taxes, he would reduce government spending on defence, bring the troops home, not go on any more wars abroad and he would encourage individuals to work for themselves....all very Islamic.
In Praise of Private Charity
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 – by Ron Paul
"One of the great fallacies of our time is that if government doesn't do something, no one will. Its corollary is that if you are opposed to the government doing something, you are opposed to anyone performing that function at all. These disastrous fallacies color much of our national debate concerning heath care, education, poverty, housing, disaster relief and other issues.
This Easter season, I would like to applaud an organization that proves just how much private charity can accomplish without government mandates or intrusion. Convoy of Hope, based in Springfield, Missouri, is equal parts grocer, clothier, heath care provider, first responder, educator and logistics expert. It works with communities across America and around the world, bringing together other local charities, businesses, churches and government agencies to alleviate poverty and help people in the wake of disasters. The tremendous scope of its activities serves as a reminder that government is neither the sole, nor the best, provider of goods and services to people in need."
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