Having heard about Darussalam's "salafi-influences", I've found this other version of Tafsir Ibn Kathir; one by Dar al Manarah. It is a 4-volume set rather than the 10-volume set Darussalam has. Does anyone have this, or has anyone found anything about this version of Tafsir Ibn Kathir? This one is abridged as well (and may as well have to be seeing as how it's 4 volumes instead). I'm searching up on it now but I'm wondering if anyone in the SF community knows anything about it? Unsure if my low post count will still not allow me to put up links, so it's this version; "Tafsir Ibn Kathir 4 volume set English (Abridged) (Muhammad Anis Gad Khalil) with Arabic Qur'anic Text" (Second question; when will I be able to put up links? )