My Fahter is Angry with me wiht is do.?
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04-16-2012, 02:57 PM
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Nov 2005
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Firstly you should try to practice Shari'ah in its full form.. Hearts lie within the control of Allah
.. So if one will please Him, then He usually makes other people to be more respectful to the Deen practicing person.. However even in that case some people persist to disturb and even malign a Deeni person.. In such a situation, patience should be observed.. Even the Ambiyaa' (
), including our Nabi
(who had the best of etiquette and Ikhlaaq) was constantly attacked by Kuffar and Munafiqeen (
La'natullahi alaikum
).. So keeping the mode of conduct of such pious people on mind, we should observe Sabr and still try to reply them with good.. However, in such cases, one's heart feels satisfaction over his/her own conduct.. Since the person knows that i am not doing anything wrong to feel guilty upon.. These people are disturbing me out of ignorance.. So may Allah guide them..
As for your specific case, try to read that what are the rights given to a father in Islam.. and see if there are any shortcomings from your side.. you may also consult some qualified Mufti or Shaykh for any particular issue..
Also, our Shaykh, Hazrat Maulana Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sahib
advises us to read following Names of Allah
on the person who seems to get angry, or is disturbing one, unnecessarily :
"Ya Subboohu Ya Quddoossu Ya Ghafooru Ya Wadoodu"
Inshaa Allah, upon reciting these names, the heart of the other person will get moulded towards the reciter..
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